The recent global pandemic events have brought about huge changes to the way we live our lives. We now socialise from a distance, using conferencing video apps to speak to each other from hundreds of miles away. We do our shopping online, and we leave parcels on our door step so as not to pass anything between ourselves. We even exercise online outside with walks, runs and bike rides, instead of going to the gym. Times are very different at the moment, and some of these changes might be here to stay. In care homes, we have to be careful about the virus, in order to protect our residents and our staff. Some of our patients are even have to sell houses fast during these challenging times.

Why Sell Houses Fast?
Selling a house during coronavirus is challenging, especially due to the fact that the market has taken a slump, and not very many people are looking to buy property. Commercial property in the cities are being listed for sale left right and centre, but no one wants to buy them at the moment. Due to social distancing, residential properties cannot take viewings, so people cant even get to see the houses even if they do want to buy during this time. One of the only ways you can sell houses fast at the moment is via an online property buyer, as the traditional route of selling through an estate agent is not possible.

Residents Selling Houses
There have already been a few of our residents that have sold their house while staying with us, since it is either too much hassle or it is no longer needed. This is a common occurrence for care home residents, but now in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, more residents are looking to sell on their houses. For them, these properties are often being handled in part by family members, and it can be hard to keep up care home payments while also looking after another house. Now that many people are out of work due to the pandemic, people are having to free up cash and downsize on their assets, which usually means that unused and unnecessary properties are the first to go. In many cases this is unfortunate, but necessary in order to get through this troubling time.

Advice For Fellow Home Owners
The latest figure that is being told by the media is that across the UK, house sales have fell as much as 50%, which means that it is extremely difficult to sell your home on the open market. The government has not banned property sales outright, however they have advised against people going to viewings of homes for sales. The problem is that this makes it very difficult indeed to sell your home during this time. The only sure way of getting a property sale at the moment is by using an online property buyer, and this takes all the headache out of trying to secure a sale.