Double Glazing East Kilbride Care Homes Need

double glazing east kilbride

Thanks to the modern construction methods of today, we can have homes that are warm and quiet.  This is perhaps the best environment for our elderly citizens here in the UK, and it is ensuring that our loved ones are living out their golden days in quiet comfort.  Some older care homes could still benefit from seeking out the services such as those from double glazing East Kilbride and giving their care home building a big improvement.


Double Glazing East Kilbride Needs for Winter

As winter approaches here in the UK we can expect several months of very turbulent weather and even some big storms.  The past few years have some very extreme weather batter the UK, with 100 mile an hour winds, sleet and hailstones, and even meters of snow.  While we are relatively prepared here in the UK for disruptive weather, we can occasionally have milder winters and there is not always snow and ice that cause a lot of the chaos.  Therefor local municipalities are hesitant to invest in winter preparatory measures in the same way that say Sweden and Finland.  These Scandinavian countries are guaranteed winter weather that will bring snowstorms, so they have the infrastructure and systems in place to effectively deal with the snow and keep the country moving.  But what does double glazed windows have to do with all this?

double glazing east kilbride

Efficient Care Homes are Better For Residents

A recent survey into the UK social care system identified a number of flaws in the current social care being provided.  One area it targeted was the care homes in UK and the states they are in.  There have been around 2000 care homes closed in the last 10 years, and with the elderly population showing no signs of slowing down, we are going to have to make improvements in order to stop further closures.  Not only can installing double glazed windows help care homes save money over time, but it can also improve the quality of living for the residents.

double glazing east kilbride

Double Glazed Windows Benefits

Most people know that double glazing offers substantial heat saving benefits, and this is the main reason that people nowadays install them.  Double glazing East Kilbride works by having two panes of glass next to each other with a small air gap in between.  This means that the outside window stays cold, and the inside window stays closer to the temperature of the air inside the room.  There are also further benefits that these window systems bring, such as noise suppression.  One pane of glass is quite good at keeping noise out, but two panes of glass is much better.  It can greatly reduce noise pollution from outside, as well as stopping inside noise from escaping outside, which is great for privacy.

double glazing east kilbride


Although many care homes utilise buildings that have been recently made and have all the benefits of modern construction techniques, it is still important to remember that retrofitting these windows to an older building can have significant benefits.